Sacred Sips ~ Cacao Ceremony with Krystle O'Neil

Are you ready to connect deeper to yourself and what your heart is yearning for through this 'Sacred Sips' Cacao Ceremony facilitated by the potent Krystle O'Neil?

Gather your friends and sisters or enjoy this for yourself.

Use this as little or as much as you like, from wherever you are - Exactly As You Are. With this purchase you have access to this online ceremony for 12 months so you can make a ritual out of it...

It is truly a beautiful way to re-connect, pause and come back to yourself. Through this experience a space is created where you can sit intentionally and connect with your my mind, body and soul.

For this Self Ceremony you will need:

  • Ceremonial Cacao (be sure to use a ceremonial dose which is between 35-42 g in 200-200ml of water) We recommend using Nourish Hub Ceremonial Grade Cacao - Use SACREDSIPS15 to get 15% off at checkout HERE
  • Get a recipe here
  • 1 cup/mug that you feel connected to 
  • Palo santo/sage/incense to clear any stagnant energy
  • Anything else to make your space a vibe (candles, calming Spotify playlist, crystals, journal, salt lamps, angel cards, soft rugs and cushions) 

Please ensure you are in an environment that is free of distractions. 

With love always, Abi & Krystle


  Sacred Sips ~ Cacao Ceremony
Available in days
days after you enroll