What will I get?

When you book in your One to One Meditation Support session with Abigail you will receive personalised support to assist you with finding your groove with your meditation practice.

This session will run for 45 minutes. Complete with an exploration of your unique needs and goals followed by a guided meditation and debrief, this session will provide you with clarity and motivation to continue your journey within.

You can book as many sessions as you need until you feel confident flying solo.

Before your session with Abigail...

Please fill out the form below so she can meet your needs in the session.

Meet Your Teacher

Abigail Poulton

Abigail started out her meditation practice, originally, through a yoga practice when she realised that her time on the mat, moving and breathing, wasn't just contributing to her physical agility but to her minds ability to find stillness, clarity and focus.

With very little meditation experience or knowledge she headed straight into a 10-day silent meditation course with Vipassana Meditation.

This experience transformed her way of understanding and perceiving when it came to her new desire to 'collaborate with' her mind to live a happy and harmonious existence - as oppose to being worked by her unmonitored and incessant mind.

Since then, she has made it her life's mission to share the powerful tools of meditation and yoga in an accessible and enjoyable manner. She has shared tools and teachings on these transformative practices in private, public and corporate spaces for many years.

Now ready to share with YOU she can't wait to see where these practices may take you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of this useful support more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.